Favorite Summer Foods for Braces

Having braces might seem like you are restricted to just a few foods. The good news is that each season brings with it new foods for you to enjoy. At the end of the summer, we all get to enjoy the fruits of our gardening efforts that we put in for the last few months. The good news is that most foods that come from the garden are perfectly acceptable for your braces! What could be better than enjoying a juicy tomato or delicious green bean straight from your own garden?

Rather than complaining about the sticky candy and crunchy carbs that you cannot enjoy while you have brackets on your teeth, explore your options with the bountiful foods that are available this summer. Try making new salads with the dark leafy greens that are popping up everywhere or try grilling some of your freshly plucked vegetables. Grilled zucchini, peppers, and onions are a perfect accompaniment to any barbecue get together!

For those times when you are craving something sweet, yet candy and sticky foods are out of the question, grill up a peach! Simply cut it in half and grill both halves, face down. After it is done grilling, top it with a scoop of vanilla ice cream and you have yourself a sweet, nutritious, and safe for your braces dessert!

Get creative this summer with your favorite foods that are growing in your garden to see just how fun it can be to be healthy while at the same time keeping your braces and oral health intact!

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